Chapter I: Party Planning

A lot of you are probably wondering, “What the fuck happened?” Funny you should ask. I wonder about this all the time. And the truth of the matter is, I’m really not totally sure and we’ll probably never know what the hell he was thinking. Some people are just assholes.

For those of you just tuning in, in May 2017, my boyfriend of three years, whom I loved dearly, proposed. It was pre-wedding bliss. The date was set. September 8th, 2018. A beautiful fall wedding set for the Langham Chicago. The dress? Check. The church? Set. All the down payments? Paid.

Fast forward to March 2018. I had wanted to do something nice for my fiancé’s birthday. He had proclaimed many times that nobody could ever pull off a surprise party; so naturally I wanted to prove him wrong! I reached out to his two best friends to start the scheming.

The week before his secret party, I had invited him out with a group of coworkers. Being the jealous type, he asked me who I was texting during the night. I said nobody, considering we were scheming for his party and I had mentioned it to many of my friends to help with logistics and food. When he asked me to show him my phone I obviously said “no,” with a mischievous smile.

Fast forward to later that night. We got home and he set up a bed on the couch in the living room (insert eye roll), began yelling so all neighbors could hear and demanded my phone. I had obviously deleted all evidence of the party and kept laughing to myself about how stupid he was going to feel in a week’s time when this all came full circle.

“Baby, this is all gonna make sense in a week. Please just relax and trust me.”

Instead, he went through my phone and latched on to a conversation I had with a male friend of mine. He fumed and threw my phone at me. It hit me hard, too; leaving a mark on my foot still 10 months later.

“Why did you say good night to this guy 3 days ago?”

Are you fucking kidding me?

He slept on the couch for three days until I left on a work trip.

Just to be clear, this wasn’t a normal reaction. Shit had changed with him. I wasn’t sure what it was. Pre-wedding jitters? Male PMS? I figured it would pass. And at the end of the day, I knew I wasn’t being unfaithful and that I would never hurt this person. I thought he was the love of my life. I trusted him and thought he trusted me. I was planning a future and children with this person. Turns out someone else was planning a future and children with him, too.


Chapter II: March